Created by Elena Tomomi Hasegawa in 2019. This is Solo Retreat.
Retreat is that you set a time to be quiet,rest,leave behind the usual distractions of daily life.

This Self Retreat®︎, you do solo retreat in the area of Mind, Body, Envioment
Self Retreat®︎ = Tidying up your mind and body

Please check our website for details.

Self Retreat®︎ Instructor

Franchise started in 2019. Now there are more than 100 Instructors teaching in the world.
(as of January, 2020)
※Currently, there is no course lectured by Elena Tomomi Hasegawa.

Tour & Workshop

Workshops held by Self Retreat®︎ Master Instructor, Instructor, and Elena Tomomi Hasegawa.
We hold a Self Retreat Tour (1Day Retreat Event/ Workshop) in different cities.
(The World Tour began with Elena Tomomi Hasegawa in 2019.)

We use this book as a textbook for the workshop.



Februrary, 2019 by Tomomi Elena Hasegawa

Mind and body self-care final edition! I send this to people who are busy every day and who are working hard. The tidy-up your mind book offers a full extravagant worksheet for over the weekend. You can see yourself carefully from various angles.

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