Life Time Management Planner by Elena Tomomi Hasegawa
Elena Tomomi Hasegawa released her first Planner in 2016.
Life & Time Management Planner 「Beauty Life Diary」
Elena released her series of 「Self-meeting Note」 in 2019.
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Provides you with an extra layer of awareness and clarity for what you should and shouldn’t be doing.
― Self-Coaching Full Version ―
Life Time Management Planner by Elena Tomomi Hasegawa
― 3weeks habit challenge ―
Self-meeting Note by Elena Tomomi Hasegawa
Schedule a 5 minute meeting with yourself everyday in the morning and night. You just open up in this Self-meeting Note and you will be surprised how you discover yourself.
Follow your weekly review. Plenty of blank pages for you to jot down ideas.
You can also use it as a journal.
You form 6 habits in this one note book.
Also includes a tutorial video (about 20 minutes) of Elena Tomomi Hasegawa.