Creative Life Academy started 2015 in
Tokyo, Japan. The school focuses on “Mindfulness” founded by Elena Tomomi Hasegawa. Elena created franchises in 2017. The academy opened 10 schools all over Japan and reached over 400 graduate students. (as of January,2020)
※Currently, there is no course lectured by ElenaTomomi Hasegawa
Our Vision:
Self-Coaching:Self-directed activity which enables you to move forward and embrace your next challenge.
Self-Branding:Establishing and promoting what you stand for. Find your purpose and role in society.
Self-Produced:All your dreams can come true with a successful life.
Holistic beauty
Understanding organic beauty, mind and body health. Holistic beauty is the idea that everything, whether it’s our lifestyle, our diet, or even the people we let into our lives, they all help shape our current state of body and mind which impacts life in a positive way.
It provides you with an extra layer of awareness and clarity for what you should and shouldn’t be doing. Once you know your priorities, you don’t care what others think of you, You cultivate emotional stability.
Youdevelopauniqueprofessionalidentityandacoherentmessagethatsetsyouapartfromothers.Y ouwillattract the right people and have many opportunities. You become comfortable with who you are. You will be confident.
You can find out how to design a life you can thrive in , at any age or stage in life. Happiness is the experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude. You know what you want for your life.
Please check our website for details.